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TU Dortmund's Best of the Year Award

The rectorate of the TU Dortmund awards the best graduates of all faculties every year. The Year's Best Award is presented annually at the TU Dortmund University's Academic Year's Celebration. The sponsor of the prize is the Society of Friends of the TU Dortmund University.
The Department congratulates the following graduates:


Moritz Lippold, M. Sc. 
The title of the master's thesis is "Campus and city. Spatial, design and functional requirements of campus universities. Urban design using the example of the Technical University of Nuremberg"
Originally in German: "Campus und Stadt. Räumliche, gestalterische und funktionale Anforderungen an Campus-Universitäten. Städtebaulicher Entwurf am Beispiel der Technischen Universität Nürnberg"


Ann-Christin Welling, M.Sc.
The title of the master's thesis is "Environmental Justice and Climate Resilience in the "Social City" - A Neighbourhood Concept for Altenessen-Süd / Nordviertel"
Originally in German:  "Umweltgerechtigkeit und Klimaresilienz in der "Sozialen Stadt" - Ein Quartierskonzept für Altenessen-Süd / Nordviertel“


Verena Vieg, M.Sc.
The title of the master's thesis is "§ 13b BauGB – An evaluation of the effects of this paragraph in NRW"
Originally in German:  "§ 13b BauGB – eine Evaluation der Aus­wir­kungen des Paragraphen in NRW"


Patrick Braun, M.Sc.
The title of the master's thesis is "Climate change resilient urban development through the integration of urban forest areas into urban development planning"
Originally in German: "Klimawandelresiliente Stadt­entwicklung durch die Integration urbaner Waldflächen in die Stadtentwicklungsplanung"


Rico Stichmann, M.Sc.
The title of the master's thesis is "Assessment of environmental pressures, socio-spatial distributions and green and open space structures in the city of Cologne"
Originally in German: "Erfassung von Umweltbelastungen, sozialräumlichen Verteilungen sowie grün- und freiräumlichen Strukturen in der Stadt Köln"


Marcus Beck, M.Sc.
The title of the master's thesis is "Green and open space supply in the Ruhr area"
Originally in German: "Grün- und Freiraumversorgung im Ruhrgebiet"


Benno Schroeder, B.Sc.
The title of the bachelor's thesis is "Impact analysis of retail trade on the urban redevelopment in the city center of Lünen"
Originally in German: "Wirkungsanalyse des Stadtumbaus in der Lüner Innenstadt bezüglich des Einzelhandels"


Jacqueline Müller, M.Sc.
The title of the master's thesis is "Demand-oriented design of social services in rural regions with population decline - Possibilities for the implementation of the concept "Multiple Houses" using the example of the city of Bad Laasphe"
Originally in German: "Bedarfsgerechte Gestaltung sozialer Daseinvorsorge in ländlichen Regionen mit Bevölkerungsrückgang – Mög­lich­keiten zur Implementierung des Konzeptes „Multiple Häuser“ am Beispiel der Stadt Bad Laasphe"


Jakob Kopec, M.Sc.. 
The title of the master's thesis is "Identification and analysis of changes in cultivated areas in the catchment area of the Dong Nai River, Vietnam"
Originally in German: "Identifikation und Analyse der Veränderungen der Anbauflächen im Einzugsgebiet des Dong Nai River, Viet­nam"


Bernd Droste, Dipl.-Ing.
The title of the diploma thesis is "Development of a GIS-based method for the evaluation of infrastructure supply in the designation of General Settlement Areas in the planning region of Düsseldorf"
Originally in German: "Ent­wick­lung einer GIS-gestützten Methode zur Bewertung der Infrastrukturversorgung bei der Ausweisung von Allgemeinen Siedlungsbereichen in der Planungsregion Düsseldorf"


Carola Ebert (neé Düvel), Dipl.-Ing.
The title of the diploma thesis is "The Role of Waterfront Development in Urban Regeneration - The Case of Central Osaka"


Björn Vetter, Dipl.-Ing.
The title of the diploma thesis is "C02 Emissions in Long-Distance Passenger Traffic"
Originally in German: "CO2-Emissionen im Personenfernverkehr"


Annika Tebbe, Dipl.-Ing.
The title of the diploma thesis is "Regional planning control approaches for the development of renewable energies - consideration of the regions Hannover and Black Forest (north)"
Originally in German: "Regionalplanerische Steuerungsansätze für den Ausbau erneuerbarer Energien – Betrachtung der Regionen Hannover und Nordschwarzwald "


Felix Blasch, Dipl.-Ing.
The title of the diploma thesis is "Alternatives to light rail. Selection and urban integration of transport systems between Bus and rail using the example of the city of Regensburg"
Originally in German: "Alternativen zur Stadtbahn. Auswahl und städte­bau­liche Integration von Transportsystemen zwischen BUs und Bahn am Beispiel der Stadt Regensburg"


Julia Hampe, Dipl.-Ing.
The title of the diploma thesis is Play areas in inner cities: “Connection and design of play areas in open spaces”
Originally in German: "Spielraum Innenstadtquartier. Vernetzung und Gestaltung von Spielflächen im öf­fent­lichen Raum"


Lukas Fiegen, Dipl.-Ing.
The title of the diploma thesis is "Between forest and water, urban planning building blocks for Hattingen's city profile"
Originally in German: "Zwischen Wald und Wasser, Städtebauliche Bausteine für Hattingens Stadtprofil"


Johanna Schoppengerd, Dipl.-Ing.
The title of the diploma thesis is "Mosque Buildings in Germany: Framework Conditions and strategies for municipal action"
Originally in German: "Moscheebauten in Deutsch­land: Rah­men­be­ding­ung­en und Strategien für kommunales Handeln"


Regina Witter, Dipl.-Ing. 
The title of the diploma thesis is "Concepts for public transport in El Alto, Bolivia"
Originally in German: "Konzepte für den öf­fent­lichen Personennahverkehr in El Alto, Bolovien"