PhD Committee (PromA)
The PhD Committee deals with all matters concerning the PhD program at the Department of Spatial Planning. This includes the registration as a doctoral candidate, the opening of the doctoral procedure and the definition of the doctoral regulations, according to which the doctoral examinations at the Department are regulated.
The PhD Committee works on the basis of the PhD Regulations of the Department of Spatial Planning of the TU Dortmund University in the version of August 6, 2013, amended by the new announcement of September 3, 2015.
Next meeting
The next meeting of the Doctoral Committee will take place in winter semester 2024/2025. You will be informed here as soon as the date has been set.
Applications for admission to doctoral studies at the Department of Spatial Planning can be sent to proma.rptu-dortmundde at any time.
Please send your certificates or certified copies by post to:
Technische Universität Dortmund
Fakultät Raumplanung
August-Schmidt-Straße 10
44227 Dortmund
Members of the PhD Committee
The members of the PhD Committee are elected by the Department Board.