Master Introductory Session
- Exams

Introduction, Wednesday 26.03.2025
Part A – program of the Student Council (part one)
- 1.30 pm | Campus Süd, GB III Foyer (please follow on Instagram:@fachschaft_raumplanung)
- 1:30 Q & Talk – Get to know and exchange ideas with the student council and all Master's students
- Drinks and snacks will be served
- 1:30 Q & Talk – Get to know and exchange ideas with the student council and all Master's students
Part B – Introduction to the Master program
- 2.30 – 4 pm Uhr | Campus South, GB III, room 3.214
Introduction to the Master program, explanation of seminar allocation etc
Part C – program of the Student council (part two)
- 4 pm campus tour for all master students
- 6 pm | Dortmund Main Station
- Pub Tour through the city
Allocation to seminars: 26.03. – 28.03.2025
Allocation to colloqia and seminars in module 1 and 3
While registrating, you will also be asked if to participate (without obligation) in M-projects and M-drafts.
The choice of colloquia and seminars is made via the Lime Survey platform
Presentation and choice of projects / urban designs, Monday, 07.04.2025
- 09:30-11:00 Uhr | Campus Süd, Geschossbau III, Hörsaal 3.103
Presentation of all projects and designs in module 2
The choice of projects and designs will be made via LSF after the presentations
Beginning of the lecture period, Monday, 07.04.2025
- Start of all courses according to the course catalogue!