Career opportunities for spatial planners
The career opportunities of the Dortmund graduates are on all spatial planning levels and in many different areas relevant to planning, which reflects the wide range of the department and its interdisciplinary structure and educational concept. The spatial levels range from the residential environment to the neighborhood, the city as a whole, the region and the country, and even the European and global levels. Employers are roughly equally divided between the public sector and the private sector. In addition, graduates work for public companies, associations and non-governmental organizations or are self-employed. They work at the administrative level as well as in management positions.
The following examples provide an insight into the spectrum of employers:
Public service
- Municipal administration, e.g. city planning office, environmental office, economic development office
- District government, regional association, state and federal ministries, European Union
- Universities and university departments
- Public and private research institutions
Private sector
- Planning offices
- Real estate industry
- Location and project development companies
- Political and economic consulting firms
- Housing companies
Public enterprises
- Energy supply companies
- Transportation companies
- Project development companies
- Public utilities
Clubs, associations, non-governmental organizations
- Chambers of commerce and industry
- Retail trade associations
- Foundations
- Nature conservation associations
- Political parties
- Tenants' associations