Further international offers and programs
International topics have a high priority at the Department of Spatial Planning, since many problems of spatial planning can only be solved on an international level. In addition, exchange with other countries can provide a number of impulses for solving national problems. About two thirds of the spatial planning students in Dortmund complete a subject-related stay abroad during their studies. In turn, numerous foreign students study at the department, especially in the Master's programs and in the area of doctoral studies. The TU Dortmund University and the Department of Spatial Planning offer their students many different opportunities to gain experience abroad.
Within the framework of the Advanced Planning Project (Module 3), international projects also take place every year. The current F-projects can be found in the LSF. An overview of past study projects can be found under publications on study projects
Within the framework of so-called bilateral exchange agreements as well as through membership in the worldwide ISEP network (International Student Exchange Program), the TU Dortmund University offers students from all study programs the opportunity to study abroad through the network with a full waiver of tuition fees.
For further information, please contact the International Office
Students have the opportunity to organize internships abroad on their own initiative through international projects or other contacts of the department. Within the framework of the Bachelor's program, an internship abroad can be recognized with credit points. Funding is also possible, for example, through the Erasmus program.
For further information please contact the International Office
The departments??? and institutions of the department also carry out excursions independent of study projects, which can also lead students to foreign countries and are then often carried out in cooperation with local partner universities and institutions. Students can have their participation in such excursions credited as an examination achievement within the framework of the Studiums fundamentale.
The objectives for a stay abroad can be very different. In order to make the stay abroad a complete success, one should be clear about the individual goals as early as possible. The following aspects may be helpful in your considerations:
- In-depth learning of a foreign language
- Getting to know the country and its people
- Getting to know the study situation in the host country
- Acquiring certificates of achievement
- Exchange with other students
- (Re)ordering of study and life planning
The right time and length of a stay abroad depends on the individual course of study and life planning. In most cases, it makes sense to complete the intermediate diploma beforehand or, in the case of a Bachelor's degree, to complete the F-project after the 6th semester.
The selection of the study location abroad should be made taking into account the above-mentioned aspects: Where can I best achieve my goals?
Language skills are certainly an important issue when studying abroad. It is important to know the language of the country and to be able to follow the courses with regard to technical language skills. However, since partner universities are very different in terms of language skills, these details will be clarified in the information session or in the personal consultation.
The year from the application to the beginning of the stay should be used to acquire appropriate language skills or to refresh existing ones. Free language courses are offered at the Language Center of the TU Dortmund. The VHS also offers language courses. Many partner universities offer intensive language courses for foreign students before the start of the semester (inform yourself in good time and take this into account when planning your schedule!).
The International Office provides a checklist which can be helpful in preparing for the stay.
After the stay abroad, a confirmation from the host university, a progress report and the transcript of records must be submitted to the International Office.
The recognition of academic achievements will be decided on an individual basis.
During the preparation and post-processing of the stay, numerous forms must be submitted to the International Office.
All required forms can be found here
There you will also find a checklist which serves as a control