Organization of the Study Program
For your own smooth study organization, the use of three essential study portals is crucial.
LSF - Teaching, study, research
The university portal "lehre, studium, forschung" (LSF) provides students with all the important information on courses, facilities, registration deadlines, rooms and buildings, and people.
The course catalog, the course schedules, daily updated announcements and cancelled announcements can be viewed. Students can create individual timetables for overview by marking individual events. In addition, the LSF enables all students to search for rooms and check room reservations.
Seminar places are also allocated via the LSF. All necessary information is sent to all students in good time by e-mail distribution list.
General navigation instructions can be found here.
BOSS - bolognia online study service
The BOSS (bologna online study service) contains functions for all students to manage their studies and examinations. This includes the provision of current information for re-registration, downloading of study documents, exam registration and access to grades. The registration period for examinations will be sent out to all students in good time by e-mail.
General navigation instructions can be found here.
Moodle is mainly used for web-based teaching. Students have the possibility to join teaching rooms for their lectures. In these rooms, the lecturers make all relevant information (e.g. lecture notes, lecture slides, literature, etc.) available for download. Moodle also serves as a workspace for the project groups.