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Master in Spatial Planning

Master Thesis

The regulations for the Master's thesis can be found in the Master Examination Regulations. Further information can be found in the module handbook under module 4.

The master thesis is a scientific work in the field of spatial planning. The thesis can have a theoretical, empirical or conceptual-design focus. Students are free to propose their own topic for their thesis. With the Master's thesis, the candidate proves that he/she can independently work on a complex spatial planning issue according to scientific standards and methods within a given period of four months.

Students can obtain the form for the master's thesis here.

Checklist: Digital final thesis

Master Thesis Report

The Master's thesis should demonstrate that the student is able to work independently on a problem within a given period of time using scientific methods. It is supervised by two teachers (supervisors), who issue the topic of the Master's thesis and register it with the Examination Board. The focus of the Master’s Thesis is either on the theoretical-analytical or planning-conceptual processing of a current issue in spatial research or spatial planning.

The processing time for the Master's thesis is four months. The students usually develop a topic suggestion and agree this with the two supervisors before registering for the master's thesis with the Examination Board. If you are unsure which topic is suitable, look at the following list of topic suggestions, develop one topic and coordinate it with the supervisor mentioned.

Please note: In addition you have to present your Master Thesis or a work status of it in a Research Colloquium in Module 1.

Topics for final thesis at the research group:

If you are interested in one of the following subjects of research please contact Prof. Dr. Karsten Zimmermann with a detailed exposé

Planning systems in Europe

  • Strategies for reaching net zero land take in different European countries 
  • Regional planning: Density values for settlement areas as an instrument to reduce land take
  • Implementation of the EU Restoration Law and its impact on planning
  • Plan acceleration and renewable energies (EU directive RED III)

Urban Transformation 

  • Urban regeneration and green cities 
  • Data centres and sustainable urban design

Planning experiments as a solution to institutional inertia? 

If you are interested in one of the following subjects of research please contact Prof. Dr. Sophie Schramm with a detailed exposé

List of Thesis Topic Proposals (09/2024)

If you are interested in one of the following subjects of research please contact Prof. Dr. Thomas Hartmann with a detailed exposé

Dynamics of the housing ladder - an international comparison of land markets

The land question revisited - a policy analyis of contemporary issues around property and spatial planning

The land question revisited - a policy analyis of contemporary issues around property and spatial planning

And in collaboration with the Research Group Regional Development and Risk Management (RER, Stefan Greiving) also:

  • Assessment of effectiveness and efficiency of NBS in urban environments (green infrastructure)
  • Assessment of effectiveness and efficiency of NBS in rural environments (flood retention, drought mitigation)
  • Understanding landowners for climate nature-base soultions - Typology of ownership structure (geospatial or qualitative approach)
  • Playing with Climate - Innovative land policies for nature-based solutions (development of a serious game or simulation)

If you are interested in one of the following subjects of research please contact Ms. Janine Bayer:

  • Environmental Impact Assessment and/or Strategic Environmental Assessment in different countries in and outside EU (comparative study and/or evaluation)
  • FFH impact assessment as per EU Flora – Fauna – Habitat Directive in different countries inside EU (comparative study and/or evaluation)
  • Management Plans as per EU Flora – Fauna – Habitat Directive in different countries inside EU (comparative study and/or evaluation)
  • Green Infrastructure Planning in different countries in and outside EU (comparative study and/or evaluation)
  • Climate Change and Adaptation to Climate Change strategies and instruments in different countries in and outside EU (comparative study and/or evaluation)
  • Ecosystem Services – methods in different climate zones and/or integration in different planning systems in different countries in and outside EU (comparative study and/or evaluation)
  • Noise Action Planning in different countries in and outside EU (comparative study and/or evaluation)
  • Clean Air Planning in different countries in and outside EU (comparative study and/or evaluation)
  • River Basin Management Plans as per EU Water Framework Directive in different countries inside EU (comparative study and/or evaluation)

If you are interested in one of the following subjects of research please contact Prof. Dr. Stefan Greiving with a detailed exposé

In collaboration with the Research Group Land Policy and Land Management (BBV, Prof. Dr. Thomas Hartmann):

  • Assessment of effectiveness and efficiency of NBS in urban environments (green infrastructure)
  • Assessment of effectiveness and efficiency of NBS in rural environments (flood retention, drought mitigation)
  • Understanding landowners for climate nature-base soultions - Typology of ownership structure (geospatial or qualitative approach)
  • Playing with Climate - Innovative land policies for nature-based solutions (development of a serious game or simulation)

If you are interested in one of the following subjects of research please contact Prof. Dr. Lars-Peter Lauven with a detailed exposé

  • International Comparison of Laws and Regulations for Planning Renewable Energy Projects


If you are interested in one of the following subjects of research please contact Prof. Dr. Nguyen Thinh with a detailed exposé

  • Investigation of green roofs as a stormwater management solution
  • Comparison of LIDAR technology with photogrammetry in the creation of 3D models
  • Detection and prediction of urban heat islands

The Research Group offers the following possible subject areas für your Master Thesis:

The research Group also supervises English-language master's theses. Please reach out with your own suggestion to Prof. Dr. Thorsten Wiechmann.

Citizen-led and Participatory Planning and Design (Negin Amiri / Prof. Dr. Frank Othengrafen)

Informal Urbanism and Urban Design (Negin Amiri)

Public Space Development and Place-Making (Negin Amiri)

Key Aspects in Sustainable Urban Transformation: Policy Styles, Strategies and Instruments for Effective Implementation (Prof. Dr. Frank Othengrafen)

The research Group also supervises English-language master's theses. Please reach out with your own suggestion to Prof. Dr. Renée Tribble.

  • Topic: Are Cycling Highways Relevant for Social Inclusion? (Prof. Dr. Joachim Scheiner)
    Method: data analysis, advanced statistics
  • Topic: Erratic Behaviour of Drivers, Cyclists and Pedestrians at Non-Signalised Intersections (Prof. Dr. Joachim Scheiner)
    Method: Observation survey and statistical analysis of data
  • Topic: Who profits from 'free speeding for free people'? (Prof. Dr. Joachim Scheiner)
    Method: data analysis, advanced statistics
  • Topic: Multi-optional transport mode availability (Prof. Dr. Joachim Scheiner​​​​​​​)
    Method: data analysis, advanced statistics
  • Topic: Travel Time Ratios for Driving v. Public Transport – Comparing Cities (Prof. Dr. Joachim Scheiner​​​​​​​)
    Method: data analysis, advanced statistics
  • Topic: Is Urban Transport Planning Fair? (Prof. Dr. Joachim Scheiner​​​​​​​)
    Method: GIS, statistics, document analysis
  • Topic: Evaluation of workplace travel management (Prof. Dr. Joachim Scheiner​​​​​​​)
    Method: data analysis, advanced statistics
  • Topic: Commuting during and after Covid 19 (Prof. Dr. Joachim Scheiner​​​​​​​)
    Method: systematic literature analysis (scoping review)
  • Topic: Residential location choice during and after Covid 19 (Prof. Dr. Joachim Scheiner​​​​​​​)
    Method: systematic literature analysis (scoping review)
  • Topic: Urban densification and climate policies: conflicts or synergies? (Prof. Dr. Stefan Siedentop​​​​​​​)
    Method: systematic literature analysis and case study (optional)
  • Topic: Implications of urban densification on housing affordability (Prof. Dr. Stefan Siedentop​​​​​​​)
    Method: literature analysis and case study
  • Topic: Trend of urban expansion in OECD city regions (Prof. Dr. Stefan Siedentop)
    Method: literature analysis, data analysis (OECD database)

If you are interested in one of the following subjects of research please contact Prof. Dr. Christiane Hellmanzik with a detailed exposé

  • International trade - policy making, border effects, impact on cities and regions
  • Urban and regional economics - innovation clusters, smart cities, decarbonisation strategies, regional disparities
  • Industry analysis - determinants and challenges of transformation
  • Economic history - analysis of path dependence of historic events on economic activity today (occupations, wars, trade deals…)