New SPRING batch on East Germany Excursion 2011

The excursion started in Eisenach, where the students visited the Johann-Sebastian-Bach-House and the Wartburg. The evening was highlighted by watching Jena by night at the Jentower.
The second day started with a tour to Leipzig, where the students had their lunch in the famous Aucherbachs-Keller after a guided tour through Leipzig. In the afternoon the participants visited the “Asisi Panometer”, the world biggest 360° panorama about the Amazonas.
The last day brought the group to Weimar, the city of Goethe and Schiller. Afterwards the new SPRING Batch visited the former concentration camp of Mittelbau-Dora, which included a visit of the tunnels, where A-4-Terror-Rockets were built in the second world war.