The second year at the partnering universities
Students choose their second year destination during the first semester at TU Dortmund University. SPRING staff from our partnering universities in Brazil, Chile, Ghana, the Philippines and Tanzania guide them during this process by considering their academic and professional backgrounds as well as their future planning interests and endeavors.
Each of the SPRING partnering institutions has a special academic expertise, which is reflected in the respective curriculum and course offer. These specializations vary from
- Urban Planning at Ardhi University (ARU)
- Sustainable Development Planning and Management at the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST)
- Environmental Economics in Planning at the Universidad Austral de Chile (UACh)
- Special Problems in Regional Planning (Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction and Management) at the University of the Philippines (UP-SURP)
- Planning, governance and public policy for sustainable urban agglomerations at the Federal University of ABC (UFABC)
The table below displays the area of specialization of each partnering university as well as modules offered and their respective courses.
Module Content
SPRING Contact
TU Dortmund University
Department of Spatial Planning
August-Schmidt-Straße 10
44227 Dortmund
Visiting hours
General: springtu-dortmundde
Application: application.springtu-dortmundde
Instagram: spring_tu.dortmund
LinkedIn: MSc SPRING
Phone: +49 231 755-6075