Start of Studies 2024
Welcome to the Department of Spatial Planning!
Dear Master students,
the choice of seminars for the summer term starts on the 27th of March and ends on the 30th of March. The registration will be via LimeSurvey, a corresponding link will be provided on our homepage.
The project and design presentations will take place on April 8th from 9.30 to 11 a.m. in GBIII, room 103. After the presentations, the digital allocation of places will take place via LSF. The first project/draft meeting will take place on March 10th.
In order to have a better overview of the number of arrivals, I would like to ask you to send a short registration to master.rptu-dortmundde.

The TU-App
Dining hall schedules, LSF, Campusnavi, university sports program or current news: The most important services of the TU Dortmund and all important information are also available in the TU app. In addition, students can use the TU app to quickly and easily check in and out of their seat at a lecture or in the library.