Program Structure & Content
The modules to be completed in the Bachelor of Science can be divided into several module groups:
Overview of Modules
Planning Studios and Design Studios (72-80 CP)
- Module 2: Planning Project for Beginners
- Module 3: Advanced Planning Project
- Module 4: Urban Design Studio I & II
- Module 5: Urban Design Studio III (elective)
Basic Elements of Spatial Planning (27 CP)
- Module 1: Introduction to Spatial Planning
- Module 6: Basic Elements of Spatial Planning: Sociology
- Module 7: Basic Elements of Spatial Planning: Economics
- Module 8: Basic Elements of Spatial Planning: Space, Law and Government
Methods of Planning Practice and Planning Research (22-30 CP)
- Module 9: Empirical Methods of Survey and Analysis
- Module 10: Graphical Methods of Analysis and Presentation
- Module 11: Exercise Course (elective)
Integrated Planning (21 CP)
- Module 12: Integrated Spatial Planning
- Module 13: Urban Design and Urban Heritage Preservation
- Module 14: Land Policy
Planning in Context (28 CP)
- Module 15: General Theory of Planning
- Module 16: Methods, Procedures, Instruments
- Module 17: Comparative Planning
- Module 18: Theory of Spatial Development
Sectoral Planning (24 CP)
- Module 19: Landscape & Environment
- Module 20: Environment & Energy
- Module 21: Transport & Mobility
- Module 22: Residential and Commercial Real Estate
Advanced Elective Courses (38 CP)
- Module 23: Current Issues of Spatial Planning
- Module 24: Studium Fundamentale
- Module 25: Internship
- Module 26: Bachelor Thesis
Course of study
In the first two semesters, students will take Module 1 (Introduction to Spatial Planning), Module 2 (Planning Project for Beginners), Module 9 (Empirical Methods of Survey and Analysis), Module 12 (Integrated Spatial Planning) and the first sub-module of Module 10 (Graphical Methods of Analysis and Presentation). It is also recommended that Module 8 (Space, Law and Government) be taken at the beginning of Semester 2 and completed by the end of Semester 3.
Completion of modules 1, 2, 8, 9, and 12 is a prerequisite for completion of the integrating spatial planning modules (modules 14, 15, 16, 17, 18) and module 23 (Current Issues of Spatial Planning). Module 4 (Urban Design Studio I & II) can be taken at the beginning of the 3rd semester, which extends over two semesters. Modules 6 (Sociology) and 7 (Economics) each last one semester.
From the 4th semester on, the course of study and the completion of modules 11 and 14 to 25 can be flexibly arranged. However, it is recommended that modules 3 (Advanced Planning Project) and, if applicable, 5 (Urban Design Studio III *elective) be taken at the times suggested in the diagram.
The bachelor thesis should be written in the 7th or 8th semester. It should be taken into account that the bachelor thesis does not have to be the last examination. However, modules 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9 and 12 must be completed successfully as prerequisites for the bachelor thesis. In the 7th or 8th semester - depending on personal interests - a semester abroad can be planned.
Details on the German-language program can be found on the German pages of our homepage at