SPRING Global Network Meeting 2017

All partner universities had sent their representatives:
Dr. Felix Fuders (UACh), Carmeli Marie C. Chaves (UP-SURP), Dr. Eric Oduro-Ofori (KNUST) and Dr. Anne Weber (TU Do). Dr. Fredrick Bwire Magina (ARU) represented the host partner.
The first two days were committed to the admission of SPRING students for the next academic year and the selection of qualified candidates for DAAD scholarships, which was conducted together with Lidia Aouba, representative of DAAD Bonn.
In the following three days the SPRING network participants discussed SPRING internals, met their colleagues of the School of Urban and Regional Planning and visited the Makumbusho Village and on-going and completed development projects in Dar es Salaam City particularly Dar es Salaam Harbour, Kigamboni Bridge, Magogoni Ferry and Magogoni Fish market.