SPRING alumnus Basheer Saeed new Head of Department at the University of Duhok

from the Kurdistan Regional Government to study PhD in Urban and Regional Planning at the University of Maryland, College park, U.S. While in the United States, he worked as a consultant at the World Bank headquarter in Washington DC for two and a half year. At the World Bank, he was engaged in an impact evaluation research that examined the socio-economic impact of a $1.4 billion rural road-connection project in India.
After completing his PhD program in the United States, Basheer returned to the Kurdistan Region of Iraq to resume his work at the University of Duhok. He was shortly promoted to be the head of the Department of Spatial Planning which offers a joint bachelor’s program in spatial planning in collaboration with TU Dortmund University.
Basheer is specialized in transportation, land use, and economic development. Over the past decade, he has engaged in research topics such as transportation and land-use interaction, slum upgrading, transit-oriented development, sustainable urban form, and economic development; with research experience in Europe, Middle East, Philippines, and the United States