The first year in Germany
The SPRING program at TU Dortmund University is, according to the main stages of planning theory, divided into three stages namely: Analysis, Planning and Implementation. Teaching takes place in various forms such as lectures, seminars, subject-related exercises and workshops with its reference document: The SPRING Region Profile. Module examinations take place as either oral or written exams, workshop reports, assignments or research papers. The table below indicates the six modules and its respective courses (including the credit points - CP) as well the type of examination and a brief module description.
Module Content
- Spatial Planning in Germany incl. Excursions (2 CP)
- Human Dimensions in Planning (1 CP)
- Presentation and Group Facilitation Techniques (1 CP)
- Academic Writing (1 CP)
- Academic Paper Design (1 CP)
Module Exam
Written exam (graded) related to the lecture Spatial Planning in Germany incl. Excursions.
(2 CP)
Module Description
This module contains a course providing a general overview on the planning system in Germany incl. several shorter excursions within the Ruhr region and introduces into essential soft skills relevant for practitioners and academics as well as cross-cutting issues of human dimensions in planning.
- Master Project (10 CP)
Module Exam
final report incl. defense; course exercise: Exposé (graded) (2 CP)
Module Description
In this module students co-design and conduct a research-based planning project based on the methods and tools taught in Module 1 and 4.
- Environmental Management in Land Use Planning (4 CP)
- Climate Change and Risk Management (4 CP)
- Transport and Infrastructure (4 CP)
- Land Policy and Property Rights (4 CP)
- Housing (4 CP)
Module Exam
Academic Paper (graded) (4 CP)
Module Description
Students have to choose four out of five seminars. This module includes aspects of urban and regional planning across the globe with a focus on the Global South, such as land management and property rights, housing and human settlement, infrastructure and transportation, as well as climate change and environmental management.
- Comparative Approaches for Planners (CAP) (2 CP)
- Spatial Data Analysis and Mapping (2 CP)
Module Exam
Two partial exams (not graded)
Module Description
This module explains methods and tools for planning research from analysis to proposition.
- Planning Theories and Models (2 CP)
- Urban Governance and Urban Transformation (2 CP)
Module Exam
Oral Exam (graded) (3 CP)
Module Description
This module contains two courses introducing theories and concepts of spatial planning from a broad perspective.
- Economic Instruments for Regional Development Planning (2 CP)
- Demography, society, planning – multidimensional understandings of structural urban and regional change (2 CP)
Module Exam
Oral Exam (graded) (3 CP)
Module Description
This module covers essential socio-economic determinants urban and regional development.
SPRING Contact
TU Dortmund University
Department of Spatial Planning
August-Schmidt-Straße 10
44227 Dortmund
Visiting hours
General: springtu-dortmundde
Application: application.springtu-dortmundde
Instagram: spring_tu.dortmund
LinkedIn: MSc SPRING
Phone: +49 231 755-6075