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Make the difference

Spatial planning fosters big ideas. Come to Dortmund and study your Master program in Spatial Planning.

You have the Choice: Master Spatial Planning or Master Spatial Planning for: Regions in Growing Economies SPRING]

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Master in Spatial Planning


Master Spatial Planning for Regions in Growing Economies

(SPRING, 2-year-program)

Symbolic image of a person
Kizhe Razim
23, Irak
„When I first decided to pursue my master's degree, I knew I wanted to do so in a program that was not only academically interesting but also had the potential to have a significant impact on the real world. My passion for urban sustainability and social justice made me choose spatial planning because I believed that working in this field would allow me to make a significant difference. Along with the variety and range of topics, the design of the program prepares me for careers in the job market in planning, urban design, or research, and it provides both academic and practical training. Furthermore, Dortmund is a vibrant, dynamic urban center with a diverse range of planning challenges, making it an ideal laboratory for students to use their skills and knowledge.“
Symbolic image of a person
Aishwarya Kondhare
„This master's degree program has helped me to understand the multi-faceted nature of planning. Through international case studies and the experiences shared by students from various national backgrounds, I gained a broader perspective. The best part about the program is the diversity of its subjects and the flexible structure. I also received great support from the staff and teachers which made this journey easier. Overall it has been a fun experience.“
Foto von Ana Clara Caixeta Szymanski Nogueira.
Ana Clara Caixeta Szymanski Nogueira
30, Brasilien
„The SPRING program is more than a master's program: it became my family! The SPRING's multicultural environment, where everyone is encouraged to share their experiences and insights about worldwide planning practices, is a one-in-lifetime opportunity. I have grown greatly personally and career-wise and made international friends for life! Besides, Dortmund City is one of the best places to live: full of green spaces, events, and activities. I would definitely recommend the program to those who, like me, are eager to learn and experience different cultures, foods, and places.“
Foto von Bhupendra Jung Keshari Chand.
Bhupendra Jung Keshari Chand
32, Nepal
„I found the MSc SPRING Program at TU Dortmund unique and interdisciplinary in its offering of studies in regional planning in the context of Low and Middle Income Countries (LMIC) with curated specialization in sustainable urban development, climate change adaptation and disaster risk management, economic development, and public policy at participating partner universities from Brazil, Chile, Ghana, The Philippines, and Tanzania. Besides the regular studies, you can also choose and benefit from other professional courses that fit your research interests by attending classes at University Alliance Ruhr (UA Ruhr) and The German Association of Postgraduate Programs with Special Relevance to Developing Counties (AGEP) Network. Furthermore, living, studying, and exploring in the City of Dortmund (home of Borrusia Dortmund) and the Ruhr Area (the largest urban agglomeration in Germany) enhances your knowledge and experience of planned development and structural transformation, which is key to realization of sustainable development planning in emerging economies.“