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Master in Spatial Planning

Admission & Requirements

The M.Sc. Spatial Planning is a one-year pro­gram, which serves students to prepare for working in international fields of operation in science and research, but also in practice-related occupational fields which require a close link between research and practice. This approach takes into account the increasing demands of professional practice for scientifically based planning knowledge and for skills in managing large-scale projects on all levels of planning and decision- making in the context of spatial planning as well as skills in managing interdisciplinary task forces. Students are selected on the basis of their application and their previous education. The minimum entry requirement is a Bachelor or Diploma degree (at least “satisfactory” [3.5]) with at least 240 ECTS in spatial planning or other related disciplines like geography, urban planning or architecture*. Please consider that we do not accept the degree of civil engineering. For applicants from other fields we strongly recommend a motivational letter and/or work samples.

Depending on the previous degree and/or study time, additional courses and if applicable working experience in the field of spatial/urban planning, an application for the Master pro­gram can be granted even with less than 240 ECTS. The Master Admission Board decides individually whether conditions for the enrollment are given. If it should not be possible to make a decision based on the submitted application documents handed in from related disciplines, submission of additional supporting documentation might be required.

*with proven specializations in spatial planning

Required documents

  • Highest school leaving certificate in officially certified copy
  • Overview of subjects and grades of the highest school leaving certificate in officially certified copy
  • Subject and grade overviews of your studies in officially certified copy
  • Officially certified copy of your degree certificate
  • Translations of all documents in German or English language by a sworn translator
  • Proof of sufficient language skills in officially certified copy

The International Office is responsible for admissions of students who graduated at a school outside of Germany.


A high standard of proficiency in written and spoken English is required:

  • TOEFL (550 points paper based, 213 computer based, 80 internet based) Please have your TOEFL-certificate sent to the institutional code 8523
  • or IELTS (6,0) 
  • a diploma from an English-speaking school or an English-speaking course of study

Application schedule

The winter term starts first of October. The summer term starts first of April. Application periods differ according to the term:

  • 1st of February until 15th of May for winter term
    Notification of acceptance: End of July/Beginning of August

  • 15th of November until 15th of December for summer term
    Notification of acceptance: end of January/Beginning of February

For further questions please have a look at our FAQ´s

The picture shows the Rudolf Chaudoire Pavilion on the south campus with some students. © Roland Baege​/​TU Dortmund