Workshop in Kenya

Building up on the results generated in the first workshop on “reintegration into domestic job markets”, the overall objective of the workshop series is to achieve a better connection and cross-linkage between the courses of study in the EPOS-program and their graduates with (potential) employers. Furthermore, the results generated in the second workshop shall contribute to a further development of the range of (additional) interdisciplinary qualifications, the EPOS-study programs might offer its students.
For that purpose, 14 alumni from courses of studies of the EPOS-program as well as employers from different sectors have been invited to the workshop. The group of employers consists of executives and human resource specialists from the field of development and international cooperation, civil services and administrations, the private sector, consulting businesses, universities and NGO’s.
The combination of alumni and employers provides a great opportunity to mirror and reflect on the experiences made on both sides. Employers may ponder about what kind of experiences they made in hiring staff (national vs internationally trained graduates), what expectations they have and what kind of structures they may provide for an ideal integration of new employees and their ideas. Graduates can contemplate on their expectations regarding employers and how they might best implement their newly acquired skills and knowledge into the corresponding organization.