Berlin Excursion 2016

After the train journey we had a welcome dinner in a little restaurant near Tiergarten. On Thursday morning, we visited the former Tempelhof airport and Berlin City Models with Christian Hajer and discussed the structure of the German planning legislation on local and regional level. We met an activist of the Berlin cycling referendum in our hostel in the afternoon. Moreover, we met Peter Stein (alumni of Dortmund’s Department of Spatial Planning and member of the German Parliament) and explored the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) on Friday. In the afternoon we had a city walk through Berlin-Friedrichshain and Kreuzberg with Benjamin Wada-Ruetenik and talked about the German planning system. During a walk through Berlin underground the students discovered the past German history on Saturday morning. The trip was highlighted by visiting the cupola of the Reichstag with beautiful weather on our last day. The excursion was part of the SPRING Module 1.